The liver is not technically part of the Endocrine system, BUT it plays a large part because it has to keep removing excess hormones from the blood stream. 

The hypothalamus (our neural control center) sends hormones to the liver. (Fact: This is why the Birth control pill can cause liver tumors.)

Hypothalamus + Pituitary Glands work as a TEAM

Hypothalamus is the REGULATOR of our Endocrine system (found deep inside your brain in the limbic region, it receives chemical signals thru blood + electrical impulses from nervous system, knows JUST what your body needs).  

Hypothalamus gives orders to the Pituitary Gland, which in turn releases hormones that signal OTHER glands.

-Tells kidneys to control water retention
-Tells adrenal glands to produce energy hormones

Damage to Pituitary Gland can lead to high BP, lactation issues, water/temp regulation, poor memory, adrenal fatigue, weight problems + thyroid issues.

Concussions + Whiplashes can damage this gland.

Best Supplement to support the Pituitary Gland is Omega-3s!

Thyroid Gland works under the direction of the pituatary gland.

It creates hormones that boost metabolism of every cell (it can trigger how hungry you are, but we're talking cellular level metabolism.)

If underperforming = extreme fatigue, weight gain, cold intolerance; can eventually lead to cholesterol issues + heart problems

If overactive = irritability, weight loss, heart racing, muscle cramps, memory loss

Thyromin is a natural hormone replacement therapy for those with poor functioning thyroids.

Adrenal Glands make many hormones that provide energy + control functions like blood pressure + sweating. 

These glands LOVE B vitamins -YL’s Super B complex is for energy support on a daily basis + adrenal health during times of stress. 

These glands produce: 
-Sex hormone (progesterone)
-Adrenaline (tells liver to turn protein into glucose for brain fuel) 
-Cortisol (our stress hormone)

Minor stress can feel overwhelming w/o enough cortisol. 
TOO much cortisol production for extended periods of time (fight/flight) can cause adrenal fatigue/failure.

Endoflex oil is WONDERFUL oil to support the entire Endocrine system!