• Supports a healthy immune system
  • Helps us be proactive against all the germs coming our way
  • Provides energy support
  • HUGE source of antioxidants 
  • Support brain and joint health
  • Supports healthy hormone levels 
  • Supports healthy blood sugar levels
  • Can help curb sugar cravings 
  • Whole-food, nutrient dense supplement full of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and polyphenols

Ningxia Red is a powerful antioxidant supplement drink made from wolfberry puree, blueberry, plum, cherry, aronia, and pomegranate juices, grape seed extract, Yuzu, Tangerine, Lemon and Orange essential oils, stevia and pure vanilla extract for flavor. 

The essential oils mixed in Ningxia Red and other Young Living supplements act as catalysts to help deliver nutrients through the cell membranes while assisting in the removal of cellular wastes.

Besides its great taste, NingXia Red has some amazing health benefits!  It is the highest known protection against the dangerous superoxide free radicals, as documented in the S-ORAC test conducted by Brunswick Laboratories. 

Let's talk antioxidants. 
Antioxidants are substances or nutrients in our foods which can prevent or slow the oxidative damage to our body. When our body cells use oxygen, they naturally produce free radicals (by-products) which can cause damage. Antioxidants act as "free radical scavengers" and hence prevent and repair damage done by these free radicals.

NingXia Red is rich in ellagic acid, polyphenols, flavonoids, vitamins, and minerals. In addition, it has 18 amino acids, 21 trace minerals, beta-carotene, and vitamins B1, B2, B6, and E.  It is an excellent whole-food source of nutrients that gives energy and strength to the body without harmful stimulates.  It also has an amazing low glycemic index of 11 that does not spike blood sugar levels. 

This superfood is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet + the main source of antioxidants and health-supporting vitamins and minerals in NingXia Red.  This goji berry grows differetly in the province of NingXia than anywhere else in the world due to mineral rich soil + water!

Did you know that the NingXia Wolfberry…
  • Has over 15% protein by weight
  • Contains over 21 essential minerals
  • Contains 18 amino acids (including Arginine + Glutamine!)
  • Has 67 times the vitamin b1 of brown rice
  • Has 2 times the vitamin b3 of baker's yeast 
  • Has 3 times the vitamin c of raw oranges
  • Has 5 times the calcium of raw cauliflower 
  • Has 2 times the beta carotene of raw spinach

Supporting our physical health is critical when it comes to emotional health - the two are so interconnected! Both NingXia Red and NingXia Wolfberries are full of antioxidants which are essential when we are processing stress or trauma, and they are particularly helpful when feeling Overwhelm, Grief or Fear. 

Relieving the physical oxidative stress on the body facilitates emotional healing. Further, both are soothing and can bring a sense of security in the morning when it's hard to get up and face the day. Antioxidants really help promote the movement of grief through the body! To use the NingXia Wolfberries, simply place them in a mug with some of your favorite herbal tea, add hot water and steep. 

Taking care of your skin is more than high quality products and applying serums and creams. Keeping your skin its best also requires proper sun protection, plenty of sleep, and a healthy diet that includes a variety of vitamins and minerals.
We've already mentioned how incredible antioxidants are for your health, and that includes your skin!  Adding these defenders to your diet with NingXia Red fuels your system with nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin E, and CoQ10.
Another skin-supporting component of NingXia? Zinc! This trace mineral zinc is actually a little-known skin saver. It helps support smooth, even skin and even helps balance oil production.

We love the benefits of giving Ningxia Red to our kiddos. Think about how difficult it can be to get all the veggies and nutrition needed into their little bodies. Having an option they ask for is priceless.
You might not think of nutrition as an emotional tool, but it is powerful! When you're feeling grumpy and out of sorts, trying filling your body (or your child's) with something that truly feeds it! Skip the sugary snacks and drinks that will only lead to a worse crash in a few hours. So much emotional upheaval is caused by blood sugar dropping which is exaggerated in diets high in sugar and grains. Giving our children the Ningxia wolfberry, studied for its powerful ability to promote healthy blood sugar levels through its low glycemic index, is one way we can have happy kids in our homes!

When it comes to using NingXia Red during pregnancy, that is ultimately up to you and your care provider.  From our experiences, it was a huge benefit to stay energized + well and support placenta health.  Midwives often recognize the healthy difference of a "ningxia-fed" placenta!

Ningxia Red is food. It is made of fruits and plants. I feel really good about that. Plus antioxidants are crucial for reproductive health, cleaning out our system so we can focus on growing that sweet life. Drinking Ningxia during pregnancy helps keeps morning sickness at bay, because it maintains healthy blood sugar levels.

Whether you drink it straight, combine it with sparkling water, or try a yummy recipe like these below, days feel more doable throughout pregnancy with Ningxia!

Here are a couple of my favorite recipes during pregnancy:
  • Morning Bliss: 2-4 oz. Ningxia Red (I double up my NR during pregnancy) + 1-2 drops Grapefruit Vitality Oil + 4-8 oz. of sparkling water, club soda, or even a natural ginger ale.
  • Mommy's Midday Mix or “The Mommy Mojito":  2 oz. Ningxia + Coconut water + Mineral water + 1 drop Lime Vitality Oil

Ningxia Red isn't just for two-legged friends. It's for our furry, feathered, and hoofed companions too! Just as it supports our healthy blood pressure, skin, sleep, immune systems and provides us antioxidant support, it can work to give our pets and barnyard critters a better quality of life.

Cats: Ningxia Red is generally administered via syringe diluted 1 to 1 with water. Some cats will drink, but most will not. Some will accept mixed into food. For general maintenance, cats consume approximately ½ teaspoon per day.

Chickens: As general maintenance approximately ½  teaspoon Ningxia Red given orally can be used to boost immunity and also as a means to give other needed supplements or oils to birds as needed. The juice can be syringed into the mouth, offered mixed into foods, given straight or diluted with water. If added to drinking water, care must be taken to change it frequently or it will spoil.

Dogs: Depending on the nutritional needs and health of the dog, Ningxia can be added to food, given directly, or administered by dropper. Dogs are generally quite accepting to Ningxia Red. Dogs up to 20 pounds generally get ½ ounce per day. Dogs 20-50 pounds, ½ ounce per day. Dogs 50-100 pounds, ¾ ounce per day. Dogs over 100 pounds get a full ounce per day as maintenance.

Horses, cows, and larger livestock have also been known to benefit from the immune support of Ningxia Red. They can often drink straight or by syringe. For performance horses and animals, often 3 ounces per day is given. Endurance horses have been known to excel when given packets of Ningxia during a race. 

From Melissa Shelton DVM, “Grape pomace extract is contained within this product, and fears of grape and raisin toxicity in dogs nas prompted questions regarding the use of Ningxia Red in animals. I can assure you that massive numbers of dogs, cats, birds, horses, ferrets, and other animals have consumed very large volumes of Ningxia Red (both in my veterinary clinic and in the homes of Young Living members), and that there is never a concern for me, even in teeny tiny Chihuahua puppies. We have only ever documented incredible benefits from Ningxia Red administration, and if the grape pomace extract could cause any sort of issue, it certainly would have been detected by now. Ningxia Red is good for so many things, it is impossible to list them all…you can guarantee that the addition of the juice to any regimen will be beneficial.”

Another great resource: The Essential Oils Animal Desk Reference by Life Science Publishing

  • NingXia Red bottles, 750mL
    • Available in 2 pack, 4 pack, 6 pack or 8 pack
  • NingXia Red 2oz Singles
    • All the goodness of NingXia in a convenient pouch! 
    • Available in 30, 60 or 90 count packets
  • NingXia Red Combo Pack
    • The NingXia Red combo pack is the best of both worlds: two full-sized 750 mL bottles and a 30-pack of 2-ounce singles
  • NingXia Zyng
    • Ditch your energy drinks and grab some Zyng! NingXia Zyng is a refreshing, lightly carbonated drink that combines Ningxia wolfberry puree, pear and blackberry juices, and essential oils with naturally occurring caffeine for an energizing boost.
  • NingXia Nitro
    • Say goodbye to brain fog with Nitro. NingXia Nitro is a delicious, energizing wolfberry drink infused with essential oils, botanical extracts, D-ribose, Korean ginseng, and green tea extract to support alertness and cognitive and physical fitness.
  • Ningxia Bundle
    • The Premium Starter Bundle with NingXia includes nutrient-rich, powerful products to help support overall health and wellness at a great value.
    • Includes two 750mL NingXia Red bottles, one 30 pack NingXia Red singles and a box of NingXia Nitro.
  • Organic Dried Wolfberries
    • Young Living's Ningxia Organic Dried Wolfberries are a sweet, organic snack from nature that's easy to make a part of your daily diet. Analysis by biochemists at the Ningxia Institute of Nutrition showed the wolfberry to be one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. Snack on these dried berries on their own, add to granola or yogurt or use them to make tea! 

Who should use NingXia Red? Everyone! We love 1-2 ounces daily for kids and 2-4 ounces daily for adults. 

NingXia Red Recipes:
  • Drink your NingXia Red on its own everyday as part of your wellness routine.
    • Simple tip for kids: Open a NingXia Red packet and place a stainless steel straw directly in the packet for convenience for the little ones! 
  • Add NingXia Red to a smoothie or workout shake.
  • Add Vitality Oils of choice to your daily NingXia Red
    • Lemon, Tangerine, Lime and Grapefruit are great overall
    • Longevity, Thieves for immune and overall wellness
    • Endoflex, Nutmeg for stress support
  • Make a NingXia Red Immune Booster:    
    • Fill a glass with the following:
    • 1/3 full with organic apple juice (add water if you want to dilute it)
    • 2oz Ningxia Red
    • 1 tsp organic elderberry syrup (make your own and infuse it with oils!)
    • Optional: 1 drop Thieves Vitality essential oil blend 
  • Make a NingXia Red Spritzer any time of day:
    • 1 can sparkling water in your favorite flavor
    • 1/3-1/2 bottle of kombucha
    • 2-4oz Ningxia Red
    • Optional: 1-2 drops citrus Vitality oils
    • Add all to a glass, stir well and enjoy!
  • Freeze NingXia Red packets, then pack in your (or your kids) lunchbox. Doubles as an ice pack and it's a fun + healthy lunchtime treat!

Q: When can children begin drinking NingXia Red? 
A: This is the decision of you as the informed parent or caregiver. I choose to give it to my children at the point that I am giving them other plant-based foods. 

Q: Can I use NingXia Red if I have diabetes? 
A: You must answer that question based on your body's response to the product. Drink NingXia, wait 15 minutes, and then check your blood sugar. Add healthy fats and proteins whenever taking in sugars, even those naturally occurring in fruits. It does fall well within recommended guidelines for carb and sugar intake for those with diabetes.

Q: Can I use NingXia Red if I need to avoid nightshades? 
A: Although there is evidence to suggest that some nightshades can exaggerate inflammation in the body and should be avoided by those with autoimmune diseases, the NingXia Wolfberry contains a rare balance between the polysaccharides and solanine, which makes it tolerable (+ even beneficial) for some who normally avoid nightshades.

Q: Can I use NingXia Red if I'm on blood thinning medications? 
A: Make sure that you research  your specific medications and know your body. There have been people who have reported a thinning of blood with regular usage of the wolfberry. If on medications, be very sure that you consistently use your NingXia daily and at the same amount. This way, your doctor can help you adjust your dosage to work well with your NingXia intake.


It's no secret that we are crazy about NingXia Red. Honestly, we're better people when we drink it. Sounds a little far-fetched, but think about it. 

Do cars run better when fueled by the right gas? Yep. Yet we often expect our bodies to run on second-rate, processed, non-fuel. We get worn out, our digestive systems get tired, our cells get dirty, and we need something we can assimilate quickly and easily to go to work. NingXia gives our bodies the boost that we need! 

SO many from members of our community have seen incredible results with daily NingXia Red (NR):
  • “I never knew how much better I could feel!!”
  • “I love NR because of the antioxidants, immune support, and all of the other health benefits!"
  • “I love Ningxia for the taste and the amazing benefits!!”
  • “I don't need an afternoon cat-nap anymore when I drink NR in the AM or after lunch!”
  • “I love how NR supports our bodies with antioxidants and supports my energy levels! It's filled with goodness for my kids and they get all the vitamins and an immune boost too!”
  • “I love that NR gives me energy and I just feel better overall, especially while I'm pregnant! I can tell a huge difference when I'm not taking it daily.”
  • “Ningxia Red has replaced my afternoon coffee! It's been a change for the better.”
  • “It keep me regular and it tastes great too!”
  • “Love a shot of NR in the morning to get my day started and I drink Ningxia Zyng for an afternoon pick me up!”
  • “NR supports healthy libido + I feel my emotional wellness dip back down if I run out of my FUEL.”
  • “NR for the win! It was one of the first Young Living products I tried to support my gut health. I'm a Ningxia Lifer!”
  • “Ningxia Red is amazing for its antioxidant benefits and I feel good when I have it consistently! I notice such a difference in my overall energy when I have some every single day!!”

Want this nutrient powerhouse in your fridge? 
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