OK class, I've made a few notes here and we're ready to resume our presentations. We're off to a really strong start, so Group 3, you're up next. Ready?
CARLY gives NICKI a "...can't wait to hear this" look as they return to their seats.
Please take your places and show us your drawing.
Group 3 takes places.
Group 3 Illustrator holds up drawing of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector.
We had kind of an obscure Parable. I think maybe we don't understand it, or it makes us uncomfortable, and we don't like the way it makes us feel.
Any guesses?
Guessing begins.
Affirm when answer is right, or give answer.
OK, it's The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector in Luke 18:9.
Move 2 chairs into place to simulate "Church pew."
Basically, the Pharisee was...
Motion toward student stepping downstage to play The Pharisee. This is Character #1.
..."a good person." She went to church all the time, had lots of friends there, and felt really at home there. She was from a "good family" and thought of herself as really "religious."
But one day, when the Pharisee and her Pharisee friend...
Motion toward student stepping downstage to play The Pharisee's Friend. This is Character #2.
...were sitting in church and....well, let's see what happened.
The Pharisee and Friend sit in chairs to simulate "church."