Beginning June 1, YL is simplifying our monthly subscription and rewards programs by bringing them both under the name — Loyalty Rewards!
Less to explain. Less is more!
🌿 Reward points will now be referred to as Loyalty Points, and subscription orders will be called Loyalty Orders.
🌿 Loyalty orders will process each month instead of every one, two, or three months.
🌿 You’ll be able to add items on your loyalty order to Saved for Later, rather than having to "skip" them.
🌿 All items currently set for every 2-3 mos will be moved to the Saved for Later section for you (My Loyalty Order tab in your account manager) so you don't forget anything!
🌿 When you're ready to order those particular items you can move them from your Saved for Later section to your Loyalty Order before your processing date!
🌿 Loyalty orders unlock the 24 percent discount regardless of PV amount, and 50+ PV earns points and gifts just like today!