"Is there a whole food more effective than:

Coenzyme Q10 for supporting heart function? 

Echinacea in amplifying immunity? 

Oat bran in lowering cholesterol? 

St. John's Wort for treating depression?

Lutein for preserving vision? 

Milk thistle in regenerating the liver? 

Insulin for controlling diabetes? 

Combating cancer in multiple clinical studies? 

Hundreds of studies conclude that a little-known fruit from Northern China may, in fact, do all of the above. 

The NingXia Wolfberry."

-an excerpt from a book of studies documenting the science behind Lycium Barbarum, aka: NingXia's wolfberry .
Not your average goji berry...

Scientific studies* have shown wolfberries to:

Improve vision

Reduce inflammation

Reduce cholesterol levels by 52%

Reduce triglycerides by 71%

Raise HDL cholesterol by 58%

Increases glutathione in the liver by 50%

Lower blood pressure (both systolic and diastolic)

What's a Wolfberry?

Wolfberries have been used for over 5,000 years in China (often called Goji berries).

🍷There are over 80 species of Lycium berries worldwide and 17 different species of wolfberries alone, but there is only ONE Ningxia wolfberry.

💥 The wolfberries from the Ningxia province are so treasured that there is a two week celebration in China for this "most nutrient dense food on the planet."

👵🏻 There are 400% more centenarians (people age 100+) living in the Ningxia province than the rest of China.

🏃 Chinese Olympic athletes considered the wolfberries to be their "secret weapon" for endurance and stamina.

☀️ The Yellow River on the West Elbow Plateau, known for its fertile silt deposits, delivers minerals and nutrition to the pristine environment of the Ningxia province. 

This, in addition to plenty of sunlight and just the right temperature difference, has earned this area the title of :

"herbal medicine valley."

Why is it beneficial?

  • AMINO ACIDS - the building blocks of proteins  including essential amino acids L-arginine and L-glutamine. 
  • POLYPHENOLS - scavenge free radicals + reduce oxidative stress
  • POLYSACCHARIDE  - helps store the energy we gain from consuming food
  • PROTEINS - 15.6% (dry weight) = 1 of the richest known sources of plant protein (as much as raw oats!)
  • LUTEIN - to protect our eyes from blue light damage (cellphones/laptops/etc)
  • VITAMIN AND MINERAL PAIRS -  many minerals cannot be assimilated into the body w/o the presence of a specific vitamin.  The wolfberry has many of these vitamin-mineral pairs, including zinc and potassium.
  • ZEAXANTHIN - a carotenoid important to maintaining healthy vision
The NingXia Wolfberry is also a complex carbohydrate, which means your blood sugar will rise slowly, reducing the risk of a spike or sugar crash afterward.


What's in this berry that I can't easily get elsewhere?


-Found to increase our immune system’s natural killer (NK) cell activity.

NK cells are responsible for identifying abnormal cells and sending a signal for them to die.  
(Cells could be abnormal because they are precancerous, viral or bacterial infected.)  

-One of the very rare places you will find it is in the wolfberry


-Stimulates the pituitary gland to produce higher levels of HGH (human growth hormone), also known as the "youth" hormone.  

-Higher levels of HGH can decrease body fat, decrease wrinkles, restore hair loss, increase energy, increase sexual function, improve memory, improve sleep, elevate mood, normalize blood sugar and insulin levels.  

3) LBP (Lycium Barbarum Polysaccharide) 

-A very large sugar-protein complex that occurs only in wolfberries

-During the last 15 years a number of studies have documented the cardioprotective, anticancerous and immune-stimulating properties of LBP.

Why combine wolfberries with Essential Oils?

The Essential Oils increase the bioavailability of the intense nutritional profile of the wolfberry.  

Basically... our bodies absorb + utilize more of the vitamins, minerals + nutrients than it could without the assistance of the Essential Oils added.

Lemon EO - contains over 65% d-limonene* 

Orange EO - contains over 91% d-limonene*; (rich in compounds noted for their stress-reducing effects)

*d-limonene helps to promote normal cell life cycles + leukocyte formation

Highlights of this liquid superfood?

Ningxia Red has the most powerful antioxidant properties than any other commercially available product.

ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbence Capacity) score from Brunswick Laboratories of 1,500 PER OZ

S-ORAC score of 363 (that's a specific test for scavenging activity against powerful superoxide radicals)
The next closest product scored only 8.6 S-ORAC.


NingXia Wolfberry = highest level of IMMUNE-STIMULATING polysaccharides.


Juices added from Blueberry, Pomegranate, Cherry, Plum, Aronia = 

some of the highest known antioxidant fruit juices with the strongest ANTI-AGING effects.


Ultra low glycemic index score of 10.6 means it won't spike blood sugar levels.



How much is a daily serving size?

 NingXia Red is consumed by the ounce:

Most choose to drink 1-4oz of NingXia Red daily.

NingXia Red can be purchased in 25 oz glass bottles or convenient 2 oz pouches.
Whether you drink it straight up from a shot glass or as a mix-in is up to you!
