Love your Lymphatic System
The role of our lymphatic system + how to support it naturally.

Slides courtesy of Jamie Moran. 

LifeSteps Wellness Box
YL Customers can download the free LifeSteps App for personalized Wellness Assessments!

Here is an example of a Wellness Box to support the Lymphatic System!

How toxins impact our lymphatic system:

As we have learned, the lymphatic system is a very important part of our immune system.  Lymph carries pathogens out of the body... 

BUT if toxins are "clogging the routes," then lymph cannot flow efficiently.  This can cause tenderness, discomfort, illness + even raises our risk of cancer.  Toxic junk that would've otherwise exited our body gets trapped inside. 

The lymphatic system is unable to do its job well when toxins cause a traffic jam inside the body. 

Thankfully, we can keep the routes clear of road blocks by avoiding toxins coming in and by using oils daily to clean receptor sites, oxygenate our cells + strengthen our body systems.  

"Every essential oil used is a toxin avoided + a body system supported!" -Erica M.