"Finding Essential Oils to calm my anxious thoughts + ground my emotions, changed EVERYTHING!

More on that later... first let's find you a roller!

These are some of my favorite Essential Oil Blends for managing STRESS + getting RESTORATIVE sleep:

RUTA, VAlarian, and LAvender together form THE sleep oil of all the sleepy oils. 

Not everyone luuuvs the aroma, but don't worry about it, because you'll be asleep in no time. 😴 

Rebalancing to the body's energy flow, central nervous system + emotions. 

Super relaxing to the body, calms stressed nerves + helps induce sleep.

Helps minimize the shock + anxiety that accompany traumatic situations.

Helps reduce cortisol (stress hormone) when being produced in excess by an overworked system + overwhelmed body. 

💜 RutaVaLa... for rest + reprieve.

All of these rollers are pre-diluted blends of essential oils + coconut oil.

Throw them in your bag or pocket + make self-care a daily habit.

Stress stored in the body can cause a myriad of issues... 
- both physical and emotional - 

The first time I realized the correlation, between stress and pain, was in my early 20s.  I was having an intense discussion about work drama when debilitating nerve pain began to suddenly shoot down my leg.

My high-stress job was literally PAINING me! I was waking up on Sundays already DREADING Mondays AND I had shooting nerve pain almost daily.  Something that used to bother me occasionally was now affecting EVERY area of my life.  
Stress induced inflammation... pressing on my sciatic nerve.

I made changes + took care of myself by reducing stressors... changing jobs was first on the list.

 I also needed to learn healthy ways to support my body through stressful times.

When i'm stressed, my focus + patience is shot, i'm overly sensitive + my body begins to hurt.

My natural solution? Oils for EVERYTHING.

So when life happens...

Oils can be used to calm anxious nerves, soothe upsets, ground emotions + even balance hormones!

Oils can be inhaled, diffused or simply (+ as often as needed) rolled on wherever tension is held in the body 
(shoulders, neck, tummy, etc) for fast, effective results!

When we encounter a situation that feels overwhelming, confusing, or provokes feelings of anxiousness...

our emotions tend to ‘lock up’ + we lose our ability to think clearly.

That's when I reach for these 3 oils...

These 3 oils (shown above) can be used as often as needed to do an Overwhelm Reset 

- a simple process to quickly release negative thoughts and feelings about a situation + get "unstuck."

By following this simple + effective TECHNIQUE, we ‘reset’ the brain to return to feelings of peace and wholeness...

this allows one to move forward with a healthier mindset + 

a better day ahead.

Anything we can do to reduce the stress our body feels, will improve our health. 

Here are some customer favorites for unwinding + decompressing:

During stressful seasons -> Cortistop in the AM to combat excess cortisol in your body + "keep your cool"

To feel younger + more alive ->Daily vitamins for energy and joint support + a mood/libido supporting nutritional wellness juice called NingXia Red.

Get better sleep -> Cedarwood + Lavender in diffuser promotes your body's natural production of melatonin.

Feeling a little under the weather? You can chew an ImmuPro + get good, restorative sleep.

Healthy Habits:
  • Stress Away on neck/shoulders first thing (the lime helps awaken + the other oils soothe / calm)
  • Cedarwood (or Tranquil) behind neck to stay on task
  • Valor before meetings/zooms/presentations/crowded stores/etc = a calm, cool + collected YOU
  •  CBD Calm ANYTIME you need 5 Seconds to CALM  << Blog post 

Daily Favorites:
  • Valor Oil Blend: An oil blend for courage + confidence. 
  • ImmuPro: For restful sleep + immune support. 
  • Cedarwood Essential Oil: For grounding & relaxing. 
  • Stress Away Roll-On: An instant vacation anytime you need it. 
  • CortiStop: For stress recovery + help managing elevated cortisol levels. 
  • CBD Calm Roll-On : The ultimate in calming oils blended with clean CBD.  300mg / 600mg

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